Miller being sworn in as NYSBA President, officiated by NYS Chief Judge Janet DiFiore
Miller receiving NYCLA's 2018 President's Medal "in recognition of his record of distinguished service to the profession."
Miller presents NYSBA Gold Medal to NYS Chief Judge Janet DiFiore
Miller delivers Law Day Address at NYS Court of Appeals
Miller recceives 2019 Outstanding Champion Award from NYSBA Women in Law Section
Miller addresses ABA House of Delegates, calling government shudivown a "dereliction of duty"
Miller with NYS Assembly Ways & Means Committee Chair Helene Weinstein
Miller with U.S. House Democratic Caucus Chair Hakeem Jeffreys
Miller with former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara & NYS Appelate Division Judge Cheryl Chambers
Miller with Congresswoman Grace Meng
Miller with Congresswoman Kathleen Rice
Miller delivering remarks at Harvard Club
Miller with NYS Assembly Judiciary Committee Chair Joseph Lentol
Miller with Hon. Frank Clarke, Chief Justice of Ireland
Miller with Congressman José Serrano
Miller with Congressman Jerrold Nadler, Chair of House Judiciary Committee
Miller consults with Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez, Chair of House Small Business Committee

Miller reflects upon the coarsening of American discorse and notes that Senator John McCain was able to express profound differences with colleagues without demonizing those with whom he differed.
New York State Bar Journal
Miller notes that the staying power of the #MeToo movement is compelling evidence that there has been a seismic shift in our society.
New York State Bar Journal
Miller chronicles his extraordinary experience as an election supervisor in war-torn Bosnia shortly after the Dayton Accords.